1 min read

What Happened in Ottawa?

See for yourself, think for yourself. If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is worth a video?
Our Parliament, now a circus.
Photo by Benoit Debaix / Unsplash

See for yourself, think for yourself. If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is worth a video?

In contrast...

Public sector union flying communist flag. Do they know how murderous that ideology is? Do they know human life is worthless and individual expression of life is oppressed, in the name of the greater good?

Meanwhile, some of us prefer long lasting discomfort from infringement on Canadian rights and freedoms over, admitedly annoying, but temporary discomfort from obnoxiousness. Do they know that everything we have, today's comfort level, was made possible by people who knew enduring discomfort was the path to comfort? Or they are taking it for granted because they were born into it?

And some among us decided to push the vaccine as a civic duty... Know your peers that cannot live and let live and make up threats... To feel important? Would they push fitness through good nutrition and exercise the same?